Sunday, 30 December 2007

There goes another Christmas

Some of the family at Christmas dinner. Real food at last!

Hi there bloggers I an back, pro tem The hospital let me out for Chrstmas!

Now am home for New Year,. It is so nice to be back ib my own surroundings, eating nice food again. Th above photo is nr with the grandchildren on Christmas night. I hope you alol had a wonderful Christmas. I certainly did. Daughter ibn lawim, made all my Christmas cakes and a ftiend made the puddin. We went to no.2 son for lunch and then everybody came back here for dinner. The gitls did all the work and did very well, cobsidering that I kept trying to do my own thing! It wsather marvellous. N[o,1 son threw a bit of aobbly after he had volunteered to do the dishes and found that the dinner service was not dishwasher safe. However. he stayed at the sink and everythong was done in a flash. I ferll into bed exhausted after all the excitement. We started the day with breakfast with friens wgich has become aa tradition now. Fresh berries and croissants. There is usually chanpagne, but I am not allowed to have alcohol for 12 months (Sob!) I have only faorly recently been able to drink tea! It was all I wanted after the stroke/ Yes, I could have a cuppa, if I didn't mind it thickened!! They were worried that I might choke at that time. abd I was on a mush diet. Urk!

T)hank you for all your good wishes for my recovery. They have worked as I am making excelleny progress. I am even taking steps with the help of the physiotherapist and a walking stick and am gradually regaining use of my left arm. I can lift a glass now, but I don;t think you will trust me wih the Waterford crystal just yet! Hoever the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter! I am looking forward to a wonderful 2008. I will share some wildfloers in my next blog. Our short stay in WA netted some lovely flora. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
zforgivr errors. One handed typing is not easy for a former 100 wpm person.