Saturday, 22 March 2008

Easter Already?

Heavens. where did the last three months go? I have been so immersed in learning to walk again, that it has ll zipped by, but, Ray brought the Easter goodies for the little ones, so I hope we get to see them all tomorarow. Our grqand daughter is now taking and interst in the real Easter, which is encouraging. Thinking beyond Ester Bunny now. We were in Essex for Easter last year, and it was so lovely celebrating Easter with all the new life bursting forth around us. I think we should start a movemetn to move Easter to September aed Spring in the southern hemisphere, so that we can all be reminded of the real meaning of Easter. Mind you, my cousin had lots of little rabbits hoppinsg around her garden so it was all very fitting. WEewent to a servicce in a church morwe than 500 years old, all brautifully decorated with dffodils and other spsring blossoms.
Remember rhe song we lerned at primary school. 'When the daffoils dance in the sun and the rain, then we know hat the springtime is coming atain. TRa-la-la-la,la,la then we know that the Springtime is coming again. When the bees in the blossom trees busily hum etc. I used to lve to sing that when I spotted the first daffodilss. I was prety much a joydul child./ Like to think that I still am!
We have dug a hole to make a water feature in the back gareen and put in a couple of ornamenal water holders. Like little ponds. The possums clamber down their tree ach evening andd balance themselvew on the edge to heave a drink. We had three kookaburras doing the samre this morning. They were actually having a s bath then sitting on the nearby fende to dry off. It was delightful watching them. I certainly don't want to move from here anymore, and who needs pets when you can have posnums and birds. Wonderful!
WE have been having a terroble run of hopat weather, which seems to hve gone now, thank goodness. I was nice to snuggle under the doona again. Ssstill no rain, but our garden seems to have survived fairly well, considering. We had the hottest Marxch night on record recently. NOt too much of that, please.
Anywy, I am bwginning to waffle, never a good idea.I hope you all have a blessed Easter and don't get sick on too much cholcolate.'Here comesa Petr Cottontail....
Now, I am off foe a raevivig cuppa and aomw saimnel cake, which I made. I made my own marzipan because Ray won;t eat the almond pste from the supermarket.